Help logging in


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How do I register onto the website?

Your trainer will give you a code on Day 1 of your training and show you how to self-register on the home page of the training site. If your name is on the training list your registration will be approved and you will be sent login details within 48 hours.

I have entered my login details but unable to gain access to the training site.

Please ensure that you have copied and pasted your details electronically. The login details are case and space sensitive.

Why have I been locked out of the website?

This happens if you have repeatedly put in the incorrect username or password. Wait 30 minutes, then try again, making sure that you copy and paste electronically.

I have been told my login details have been sent but they are not in my Inbox. Where can I find them?

Please look in your spam folder. Hotmail accounts in particular have a tendency to filter the login details into the spam folder. The spam folder will need to be viewed in the few days after details have been sent as they are usually deleted after a set time.

I have tried all of the above and still cannot login

If you received the email with login details please forward this to

If you have not received the login details email and have checked your spam folder, please email, providing an alternative email address , especially if you have a hotmail account.